When I googled myself, I found nothing out of the ordinary. Actually, I pretty much found nothing period. It isn't surprising though, since my name is not so common:) But the first link leads to my private Facebook page, where one can only see my black and white, normal, pretty conservative picture and a few of my likes. Then, one day my friend and I decided to do an Octoberfest walkathon which supported Campbell. So, if one clicks on the third link, they can see my placing and time. Since I was in no rush at all, I was the 387th person to finish, out of 412. So, not too bad, could have been worse:) The fourth and fifth link bring one to a page where my name is listed under my high school's "principal's honor roll" list for the years 2008 and 2009. That is about it. The rest of the links are super random, with some not even containing my name, but either only my first or part of my last name.
Overall, since I am not too public with my personal life, I think an employer or person googling me will not learn much at all. Besides someone knowing that I did a walkathon and placed honor roll in high school, which aren't bad things, there is really nothing else someone can find out by just googling me.
So, I think that the more private one is with their personal life on the internet, the better chance one will have of not being judged right away. It won't lead others to come to, most likely, false conclusions about the person.