Monday, August 30, 2010

The First Impression

Ciao. Hello. Hola. I am Josipa, and I never liked "about me's" because I never know what to write about myself. So this one will probably be short and simple:) I love music, feel the happiest at a concert, spontaneity, traveling, dancing, imagination and creativity. I was born in Bosnia, [a small country in Europe across the sea from Italy:)] but raised in California.  I love Europe and finally got a job this July just so I can save up enough to visit there this summer. I am undeclared, annoyingly, but want to more than anything in the world to find what I want to do in life. I get along with many kinds of people, and am pretty friendly, although I probably don't look like it. :) Well I'm done being lame, now. Peace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about being undeclared. College is a good place to try some new things out and figure out what you want to do.