Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Success Tip Number 1

I would say that one of the most helpful tips for being successful in college, but it's also common sense, is to attend every class session. Unless one really cannot, then it's okay to skip a few classes. But by attending all or most sessions, then one gets the information that they need without having to rely on others and hoping that they paid attention, and also one simply learns, which will help them pass the class.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The First Impression

Ciao. Hello. Hola. I am Josipa, and I never liked "about me's" because I never know what to write about myself. So this one will probably be short and simple:) I love music, feel the happiest at a concert, spontaneity, traveling, dancing, imagination and creativity. I was born in Bosnia, [a small country in Europe across the sea from Italy:)] but raised in California.  I love Europe and finally got a job this July just so I can save up enough to visit there this summer. I am undeclared, annoyingly, but want to more than anything in the world to find what I want to do in life. I get along with many kinds of people, and am pretty friendly, although I probably don't look like it. :) Well I'm done being lame, now. Peace